Fragmentarium club is an initiative uniting people interested in various aspects of listening, walking,
and sound recording. It grew out of my interest in soundwalking which I wanted to share with friends and acquaintances,
but also anyone else willing to join.
In the 'Read' section, you can read about and listen to various projects and initiatives pursued by the club and me individually.
The 'Radio' section hosts an audio cast that focuses on various experiments with streaming field recording-based works. The 'Event' section introduces
projects and collaborative initiatives organized or supported by the club.
Here, below, you can follow a story explaining my motivations for initiating the club. Clicking on the waveform initiaties one fragment of the story.
If you move the cursor, the story pauses. This is done intentionally so your attention does not get disrupted by the content of other websites.
The same logic applies to the recordings of our collective soundwalks which you can enter on the right corner at the bottom in the 'Walks' section. Do not hesitate to get in touch
in case you would like to collaborate on a soundwalk or host a workshop by writing to info[at]fragmentarium[dot]club.
Keep on listening,
Jacek Smolicki / the founder
How it started...
Being in the moment and preserving it...
Sharing interest in sonic fragments...
Regenerating former traditions...
World Soundscape Project and soundwalks...
Collective walking in silence...
Open-ended method for renewing relationship to sound...